GoldRiver Orchards Expecting Increased Tonnage on 2008 Crop

Oakdale, CA – GoldRiver Orchards, a walnut processor based here, expects significant growth in 2008, thanks to a variety of factors. A major factor is an expected large walnut crop from the Barton Ranch in 2008 after a smaller crop in 2007. “The crop on the trees is impressive,” explained Don Barton, GoldRiver’s managing partner and CEO. “We’ve had two below normal crops in a row, so the trees have had a good rest and came out this past spring with vigorous growth and an excellent nut set.” Barton explained that walnuts typically have an alternate bearing tendency with a large crop one year, followed by a slightly smaller crop the following year. “But, for a variety of reasons relating to the weather, the 2007 crop – which should have been our “big” year – was actually smaller than the “small” crop we had in 2006,” Barton said.

A second reason for GoldRiver’s expected increased supply is that it has recruited several new growers who are joining the GoldRiver fold. “We recruit selectively”, Barton said. “Because our commitment to outstanding quality is so ingrained in us, we look for growers who have that same commitment in the field. We need great quality from our growers in order to preserve that quality from field to sheller to the box we ship the product in to our customers.”