Our Values

Being part of a family that has drawn its living from agriculture for well over 100 years, we operate from a core set of standards that we apply to every customer, supplier, employee, and associate we work with.

We strive always to be friendly and helpful. That means we’ll greet you at the door with a smile and ask how we can help you. We want to be easy to do business with. We’ll treat you with respect. And, if we make a mistake, we’ll own up to it and make it right.

Throughout our history, we resist taking shortcuts, especially on quality. From the way we grow our walnuts to the way we process and pack them, GoldRiver Orchards will always choose to take the extra step and incur the additional costs to produce a premier-quality product for you and your customers.

We stand for integrity. Our reputation for honesty and fairness was passed to us from our forebears. We have a responsibility to uphold it, and we will absolutely fulfill our contractual and moral obligations to our customers, suppliers, and fellow team members. Period.

Our long history and experience have allowed us to develop a level of expertise about the crop we’ve grown since 1912. If one of us cannot answer your questions, we’ll consult other family members who can. And if you ask something even they cannot answer, we’ll consult other industry experts to get the information you’re seeking.

Quality. Integrity. Expertise. That’s what you get when you engage with GoldRiver Orchards.