In late December 2015, GoldRiver Orchards threw the switch on a 586 kw solar power system designed and built by Coldwell Solar Company of Rocklin, California. Mounted on GoldRiver’s reinforced roof—which was specially built to support solar panels when the plant was constructed in 2013—the new solar power system will generate power sufficient to handle at least 90% of GoldRiver’s energy needs.
One of the true benefits of the system is that GoldRiver’s peak power demand period from September through February is exactly counter to the peak demand period for the power grid in California, which peaks during the hot summer months beginning in May and extending through early September. This means that GoldRiver’s power generation during the peak producing months of the summer (when GoldRiver uses very little energy at all) will be credited at the highest possible retail rates and will be billed back to GoldRiver during the lower demand late fall and winter months when GoldRiver is processing the new walnut crop each year.
We are very excited about our new solar power generation system—and we look forward to decades of sustainable and clean energy generation for GoldRiver Orchards.