What We Offer

We absolutely, positively will not stop the harvest.

During the heat of the harvest season, growers are battling the elements—a crop that’s ready to come off the trees, equipment issues, labor management concerns during the long work hours of the harvest, and the pervasive threat of inclement weather which can variously affect product quality or even stop the harvest altogether. At GoldRiver Orchards, we have never stopped the harvest of our outside growers for any reason. We’ve never gotten “plugged”, even during the height of the Chandler harvest. And we don’t intend to. That means we have to lay in a series of contingency plans prior to the harvest—and be ready to pull the levers we’ve implemented in advance so that the receiving season is seamless for our growers and the commercial huller operations that service them.

We offer friendly and helpful service. At GoldRiver Orchards, our attitude is “yes, we can!” That means that—even though we request 24 hours advance notice when you need to schedule a pickup of nuts from the huller for delivery to our facility—we understand that sometimes that doesn’t happen during the heat of the battle. We will do all we can to accommodate your request whenever it comes in to us. It means that we will open early or stay open late to accommodate your deliveries. It means, in short, that we’re programmed to say “yes”.

We provide your weight certificates and grade sheets on a timely basis. Our goal is to mail you your paper- work within 7-10 days after delivery (we average about a week during most of the harvest season, but this process can extend up to ten days during the height of the Chandler harvest).

We make four payments—the first week of November, the last day of the calendar year, the first full week of April, and a final payment by the end of July. Our stated goal is to return to you about 60% of your total payment by the New Year—and we write it in our annual grower contract.

Growers always have the right to request a re-grade. We skew our re-grade process in favor of the grower in this respect: if the second grade is better than the first one, the grower gets the second grade. If the first grade is better, we average the two. We believe this is one of the most generous re-grade policies in the industry.

We pay our largest grower, Barton Ranch, on exactly the same rate and scale as all of our other growers. We make no distinction.

GoldRiver’s commitment to quality has placed the company among the top 10% of walnut handlers in California for product quality. This allows GoldRiver’s growers to benefit from the company’s pricing leverage, resulting in above-average grower payouts.