
GoldRiver Orchards In The Local News

The Stockton Record recently ran a story on the California walnut industry, including quotes from Don Barton and photos of the GoldRiver operation. The story gives a good overview of the industry’s health and the very strong demand for California walnuts from China and other markets. Here’s a link to

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Walnut Handlers Release Subjective Forecast On 2010 Crop

The Independent Handlers Coalition, of which GoldRiver Orchards is a member, released its subjective forecast on the upcoming 2010 California walnut crop yesterday. The estimate is 473,000 tons. This is a 9% increase from the 2009 crop of 436,000 tons. While the crop is expected to be larger than last

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GoldRiver Orchards Receives Excellent Rating Again In 2010

On 30 May 2010, GoldRiver Orchards received its third unannounced inspection from the American Council for Food Safety & Quality. This was the final audit for the current crop year, which ends August 31. Once again, GoldRiver received an excellent rating. Because we received three excellent audit results out of

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GoldRiver Orchards Receives 1845 Audit Score

GoldRiver Orchards received an excellent rating from the American Council for Food Safety & Quality for the second trimester in a row. In order to receive an excellent rating, a processor must achieve a minimum score of 1800. This trimester, GoldRiver received a score of 1845, an increase from the

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GoldRiver Orchards Achieves Excellent Rating

GoldRiver Orchards today received an excellent rating from the American Council for Food Safety & Quality as a result of an unannounced plant audit conducted on October 28, 2009. GoldRiver voluntarily submits to unannounced plant audits three times annually from ACFSQ. The audit covers areas including plant grounds and construction,

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Omega-3 Can Benefit Baby Brains & Eyes

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has confirmed that the omega-3 fatty acids, DHA and ALA, can benefit eye and cognitive development in babies. “DHA has a structural and functional role in the brain and retina and maternal DHA intake can contribute to the early development of the eye and

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New Study Confirms That Walnuts Lower LDL Cholesterol

Loma Linda University research just published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition compares the effects of walnuts and fatty fish (in this case, salmon) in the fight against heart disease. In healthy individuals, walnuts lower cholesterol more than fish, while fatty fish are superior for reducing triglycerides. Both eaten

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In Response To The Recent Peanut & Pistachio Recalls

To all of our customers: Should you have any questions about our handling and processing disciplines and procedures, please feel free to contact us. We do not purchase, process, or store any nut product in our facility except walnuts produced in California. Should you have any questions about our handling

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California Walnut Board Announces 2008 Crop Size

The California Walnut Board has announced that the 2008 California walnut crop hit a record 454,301 tons–by far the largest crop California has ever produced. This number is 21% higher than the 375,000 ton estimate issued by the California Agricultural Statistics Service last September and is 28% higher than the

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