Omega-3 Can Benefit Baby Brains & Eyes

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has confirmed that the omega-3 fatty acids, DHA and ALA, can benefit eye and cognitive development in babies.

“DHA has a structural and functional role in the brain and retina and maternal DHA intake can contribute to the early development of the eye and normal cognitive development in the fetus and the brain-fed infant,” wrote Dr Juliane Kleiner, head of the DNA panel.

In regard to the need for supplementation she added: “…while DHA can be synthesised in the human body from its precursor essential fatty acid ALA to a certain extent, the human fetus appears to be largely dependent on placental transfer of DHA from the mother derived either from her diet, from synthesis or from stores in adipose tissue. The Panel also noted that most DHA is provided to the breast-fed infant via breast milk in which the DHA concentration is dependent both on maternal dietary intake and maternal DHA stores, while the contribution by
synthesis is low.”

Walnuts are an excellent and natural source of ALA Omega-3. The bottom line: pregnant moms can give their babies many benefits by eating walnuts during their pregnancy.